Come let’s build together a Transformed Community: Empowered lives, Vibrant Odisha
Greetings of the day. We, Rajendra and Archana both are working with a Vision & Mission to architect and transform Odisha through empowering communities. We pursue this by organizing, equipping, training, and counseling families and communities a sustainable, economic vibrancy and spiritual transformation through innovative partnerships to bring the fullness of life. Our work is based on the concept of charity. As per our knowledge is concern charity means helping others. So we just work as helpers.
One of the repeated names of Jehovah God in the Old Testament is “Helper.” The Psalmist sings this in Psalm 54:4 as, “Behold, God is my Helper!” As we move into the New Testament, Jesus assures the insecure Philip in John 14:16, “I will pray to the Father and He will give you another Helper that He may abide with you forever.” The Son of God is called the First Comforter, and the Spirit of God is called the Second Comforter. The word “Comforter” carries the meaning, “Helper.” As each of the three Persons of Godhead is Helpers, His children cannot be otherwise. Paul, in Ephesians 5:1, admonishes us, “Be imitators of God as dear children.”
When God created the universe, He saw that everything He created was good except the man without a helper. There can be no man or woman in the world who would never need the help of others. We all need the help of each other. But because of the sad prevalence of selfishness man desires to be a “recipient” rather than a “giver” of help!
There cannot be an atom of Christianity without charity. Each of the core Christian disciplines and exercises is integrated into charity.
Our Objectives:
- We want to popularize all aspects of social enterprise for human advancement with thrust on a holistic approach.
- Cater to the strategic needs of vulnerable sections of the society namely, children, women, old, and physically challenged persons.
- Provide an appropriate response to fallen humanity through intense study of human life complexities, cultural biases, and assumptions
- Help the poor recovering marred identity and vocation and helping the non-poor discovering their place in God’s redemption plan – setting people free.
- Work towards mainstreaming backward communities through innovative intervenes.
- To fulfill their basic social needs we have taken few Activities.
A. In the field of Education:
- Free Coaching Classes: First we started with 10 tribal (Juang) children age group of 6 yrs to 15 yrs; we provided free coaching classes for them. We look for deserted children and orphan and try to stop child labor, and drop out students. We expect increased enrolment of children from nearby areas to the schools. Reduced stigma, especially to the orphans who will be able to afford to learn under friendly and improved conditions alongside other children and in a place where their special needs can be taken care of.
B. Adult Literacy program: Conducted adult literacy program in Kutuniyasahi of Dhenkanal.
- In the field of Women Empowerment: We conducted awareness programs in different parts of the Dhenkanal district about health & hygiene, sanitation. To improve the status of the woman and girls in the community by addressing their needs by helping them start a business by establishing SHG (self-help Groups )
- In the field of Vocational Training: Given tailoring training to the Juang women to be self-supportive. Computer and spoken English classes conducted for the young Juang and kondh youth. (kui)
- In the field of Family Counseling: Many women are under pressure during this corona period. And we could get them on phone to counsel and assure them to have faith and look forward to getting a better family situation in the days to come.
- Drug addicts and alcoholics: Many daily wagers are drug addicts and drunkards, so we help and counsel the women of the family. We teach them to be far from the alcohol, save money, and use it wisely. Not spending unnecessarily.
- COVID 19 food distribution: We could distribute grocery and dry food items for the 15 poor families.
- Medical help: Helped Mr. Thakur and Biplab for their health issues and family situation.
Historically, it has been proved that the world over, where-ever the Gospel of Jesus had reached the communities, and there had been tremendous changes in personal hygiene and environmental cleanliness. They care for nature.
Health-care in one of the main foundation of any form of development. The concept of modern healthcare was almost non-existent in vast remote areas of Odisha till the arrival of the missionaries.
The Bible very clearly says that we need to share the Good news with every people and help with physical needs also. It is Sin to say, “God bless you” to hungry people and not to give them food, your blessing is foolishness to them. We need to care for the whole person’s spirit, soul (mind), and physical (Body) needs.
So giving to God is not giving to the poor, but giving to the poor means giving to God.
Our primary focus is to make the community understand their value and also the value of the help they received through charity. They must be self-dependent in the days to come as well as help others selflessly.
We are working to uplift the poor, needy, and vulnerable sections of the society. We don’t have even any supporters to support us in this kind act. But if anyone is willing to help us to extend this kind act to the extent a bit more then please feel free to contact us in the below-given emails and phone numbers.
For further communication kindly contact us.
Email Id: rajendrapanda624@gmail.com / narchana2020@yahoo.com
Mobile. No. 7008023394, 9348032354
An insight to Dhenkanal, Odisha
Odisha state in India had been declared as backward state having more than 33% of its population consisting of tribal and scheduled caste/ Dalit’s living in Jungal and mountain areas and not having sufficient infrastructural developments. For more than 2 decades, communal rivalry and riots were taken place between tribal as well between the upper and lower caste people. Religious animosity caused loss of many lives and many have flooded away from their villages, leaving behind their belongings, hoses and lands. They tried to find shelter in urban areas and in other neighbouring states.
A short Introduction about Dhenkanal
Dhenkanal District is an administrative division of Odisha, India. It is bordered by Kendhujhar to north, Jaipur to the east, Cuttack to the south and Anugul to the west. Dhenkanal town, the district headquarters has a cluster of temples, archaeologically remains with a medieval fort. A former princely state, Dhenkanal has a long history. In 1947, after the independence of India, the princely state of Dhenkanal merged into the Indian Union and subsequently with Odisha in 1948. The majority of this district is covered with dense forest and a long range of hills, which are home to elephants and tigers.Primarilyagricultural, the principal forest products of the district are timber, bamboo, firewood, kenduleaf, medicinal herbs and plants.
The district is the centre of a religious movement called “Mahima Dharma” that has spread throughout India and far eastern countries since the nineteenth century. The JagarJatra(MahaShivaratri) is a famous festival celebrated here in the winter season.
Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness; Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so.
In Dhenkanal city there are many slums, but we have chosen one of them which is called as ColoneySahi ,SurgenSahikutuniyasahi. Basically the inhabitants of this slums are sweepers, daily workers, municipality drain cleaners, Rickshaw pullers and all belongs to S.T., S.C. as well as socially deprived people. These people live as refugees having no proper work and income. Their children deserted to mix with anti-social elements and of course they tend to run towards drugs.And their conditions are worse than before. The children are the one who are neglected and used as child labourers. Which is really pitiful and need developmental project and people to support them.
This pitiful situation moved our hearts to undertake the risk to do of some developmental work and be a tiny help for them. That’s the way the Day Care Centre has sprouted in our minds to cultivate a tiny help among these socially deprived community.
We hope and trust that with this Day Care Centre we may get an opportunity to reach their parents through their children. We can start an awareness programme among the parents about untouchability between upper class and the lower class, bring awareness about the social evil exist in our society, all kinds of blind beliefs, and about drugs addiction, and sensitization activities taken on HIV/AIDS, sanitation and health etc., in the days to come.
We are sharing with you our dream &vision and hopping that God may help us to make this dream come true. May the Lord’s name alone be glorified!
A Brief summary of Juang Tribe
Odisha is home to sixty-two tribal groups, one of which is Juang. These people are known to inhabit only this state. This people group lives mainly in the district of ANGUL, KENONJHAR and DENKANAL in the state of Odisha. The Juang come under primitive tribe group who lives in the Gonasika Mountain, Odisha. God is transforming this uncivilized
Community in different villages.
Juang is the name of the language spoken by a people group also known by them the same name in the Indian state of Odisha. In the language Juangmeans man. Juang belong to the central Munda group. Until the early part of the 20th century the Juang lived predominantly in the forest area as the huntersand gatherers. But the creation of forest reservation by the government in the 1900s deprived them of their original occupation and they settled down and turned to agriculture. The majority of Juang people live in homogenous village, which serves as a social and economic unit.
Juangs speak JUANG as their mother tongue which is Munda language group and they speak Odiya which is the lingua franca of the state.
Juang live in small villages as small group around 20-40 families in a village in the mountain/ near the mountainside. Their huts measure about 6×8 feet with very low doorways.
The father and all the female of a family huddle together and boys have a separate hut in thevillage where all the young boys used to sleep at night.Every village there is a Dehury(priest) to perform pooja at the village. Every year they conduct community meeting to solve the community level dispute in the society as adultery, murder, if any one accept Christianity, etc. if person is found guilty he would be excommunicated from the society. It would be conducted at night in the forest. The chief of the society would declare the judgment. They are attracted by Alcohol (both men and women), music and drama programme.
Juang depends on primitive tithing cultivation and collection of minor forest produce. Nowadays Occupation of the Juang is Weaving Bamboo basket; Works as a servant in other community, Labors and many young are Migration for the work. The Juang exchange their basket for salt, oil, food and money from the village traders.
In the early part of the 20th century the Juang lived predominantly in the forest area the women dressed in leaves so that the tribes is also referred to as Patua. Since the last decades the women have been wearing saris and the men dhotis. Now the young men wear trousers and shirts and the women blouses.
One of the most striking sights in a Juang village is the male dormitory, called the Majang or the Mandapghar. Usually they are located at the center of the village. The Mandapghar primarily serve for three purposes. These are the training centers to train young boys in their cultural values and traditional disciplines. Secondly, it serves as the meeting place for all the villagers for both formal and informal discussions. And finally if any unknown/ outsider come to the village they will call them to this place. They will allow that person to stay there.
Family type among the Juang is predominantly nuclear and monogamy is the principle for married life. But Polygamy is not utterly prohibited. Marriage is very important institution of the Juang tribe. Eloping is very rarely found among them and cross culture marriage is strictly prohibited. To honor the guest soon after reaching they would provide water to refresh them. The pregnant women should not go to sacred places and refrained from tying up of any things, weaving mat and also plastering house with mud. On the 5th day of giving birth to a child, they conduct ceremony which is called as ‘chuthukiya’ (untouchablity) that day they clean cloths as well as house until this no one is allowed to enter the house and she also not allow to go to any house. At 21 day they conduct another ceremony called ‘ekusiya’ (21st day) on which they name the child. They burn the dead body and throw them into any running stream or leave on that spot of cremation.
Their religion is a vague belief forest spirit, fore fathers spirit, for them Dharma devtaand
Basumataare the supreme deities. The Dharma devta is the creator who loves, cares, sustains and never harms any things as well as human beings. ‘Gramshree’ is the village deity, who is the protector of the village and once in a year every family sacrifice hen/ cock. This should be done by every family. If not they will be rejected by the villagers. They offer every first fruit before using for them which is called as nuvakiya. But now they practice all Hindu gods and goddess.
Traditionally the Juang were hunters and gatherers. But at present they gather mushrooms, bidi leaves, fire wood and other forest products. Their economic sources are paddy cultivation, other crops and weaving bamboo basket. During the monsoon months those who have agriculture land do grow rice and other crops. This is the time from June extending up to December when the people are engaged in agricultural activities. But most of them do not produce enough to feed their families all around the year so they look for work opportunities. The Juang being a ST has job reservation quotas in the central and state governments but because of low literacy rates and less opportunity for higher education and developing technical skills they are not qualified.
- Literacy percentage among the men 3%
- Literacy percentage among the women 1%
- There is no school in their villages. So they have to walk 3 to 4 km to school
When compare to the other tribes the Juang are a minority hence they do not have any active say in the decision making bodies in spite of having representation in the local bodies. There have been no MLA’s or MP’s from their tribes yet. Because of exploitation by officials, traders, etc. outsiders are usually viewed with suspicion. There are very few insiders in government jobs.
Let the tiny buds blossom
This project will start after we receive some money in advance. Children are ready.
This project is going on since last 3 months among the school going children but very sad to mention that they were very poor in studies. In the school they did not learn any basics which they supposed to learn. Though they go to school but just name sake. Now as we saw their condition is very pathetic we started taking care for them, they are improving a lot. Even the 7thstd children do not aware of addition, subtraction, multiplication, counting numbers, alphabets etc. With this project at present 8 juang children getting benefit. In the days to come many will come forward to take the opportunity. Because they are socially deprived and no such level of finance to maintain it.
Monthly Budget
(For the 10 (no’s) of tribal, downtrodden and slums of Dhenkanal, Odisha)
SL. No | Particulars | Amount (Rs) | Remark |
1. | Recurring | ||
A. | Feeding Expenses: Meals 2 times | ||
A.1. | Grocery, vegetables, Non-veg items – Rs. 300×30 | Rs. 9000.00 | |
A. 2. | Snacks/ Breakfast | ||
Milk, Sugar,Biscutes, poha , bread Rs. 50×30 | Rs. 1500.00 | ||
A.3. | Cooking gas per month | Rs. 1000.00 | |
A.4. | Honorarium to cook, 1 person | Rs. 4000.00 | |
B. | Dress Materials :- | ||
B. 1. | 2 uniforms sets 300×2×10 | Rs. 6000.00 | Optional |
B.2. | Daily use/toilet materials | Rs. 500.00 | |
C. | Sanitary and Medicines | ||
C.1. | Medicine Viral — | Rs.1000.00 | |
C.2. | |||
D. | Educational/recreational/ Cultural | ||
D.1. | Books, Copies, Pencils, Pen, slates— | Rs500.00 | |
D.2. | Indoor games and sports materials — | Rs. 500.00 | |
E. | Honorarium | ||
E.1. | Teachers | Rs. 5000.00 | |
Aaya | Rs. 3000.00 | ||
Part time Drawing , music Teachers | Rs. 3000.00 | Optional | |
Grand Total per month | Rs.26000.00 | ||
Grand Total per month | Rs. 26000.00×12= 312000.00 |
N.B. :Dress material items and part time music teachers are not included .
Age limit is 4 – 7 years old, other dropouts and child labourers will be considered accordingly. This budget made last year & sent to you, so you please rectify it accordingly. Thanks.
As the juang ladies are fire wood collectors or some of them are daily labourers we would like to empower them and earn for their livelihood at home. So we want to help them by giving them opportunity to be empowered. At present 10 ladies are interested to learn tailoring and join adult literacy program. A few of them only know their signature but many of them never gone to any school. So we want to start literacy program for them. They are the fire wood collectors, daily labourers. Their husbands’ also daily labourers and many of them are liquor drunkards. So we would try to motivate them also to join this program.
There are two ways to help them. In the following picture there are only 4 ladies but they will join very soon in the coming days.
- Tailoring /Sewing Class for the Juang women and other poor girls
- Adult Literacy Program
Budget for the women empowerments project
- Duration : Six month Tailoring course
For 10 ladies
At least 5 number of sewing machine needed
One sewing machine Rs. 7000.00 x 5 number = Rs. 35000.00
Sewing material box Rs. 600.00x 10 boxes = Rs 6000.00 including scissors, thread, niddle , cloth etc.
Monthly 10 meter cloth needed Rs. 600.00x 10 meters = Rs 6000.00
For Six months Rs. 6000.00x 6 months = Rs36000.00
For Instructors remuneration per month Rs. 4000.00 x 6= Rs. 24,000.00
Maintenance for machine per month Rs. 500×6 = Rs. 3000.00
1. | Rs. 7000.00 x 5 units | = Rs. 35,000.00 Machine cost | |
2. | Rs. 600.00 x 10 boxes | = Rs. 6000.00 Sewing materials | |
3. | Rs. 4000.00 x 6 months | = Rs. 24,000.00 Remuneration | |
4. | Rs. 6000.00 x 6 months | = Rs. 36,000.00 Cloths | |
Rs. 500×6 months | = Rs. 3000.00 Maintenance | |
Total cost for this project | = Rs. 1,04,000.00 | ||
Duration: 3 months
In order to empower the juang ladies here in Dhenkanal we have selected a slum namely Kutuniyasahi. There are 14/15 families reside in this small basti .
So we will start up with 10 ladies for this project. Slates,Pencils, erasers,Sharpeners, Note book all in one kit bag . One kit bag Rs. 300
1.Kit bag | Rs.300×10= Rs. 3000.00 |
2. 2 instructors Remuneration | Rs. 1000.00×2= Rs. 2000.00 3 months = Rs.6000.00 |
Total Amount | Rs. 9000.00 |
Along with adult literacy program we will emphasise a few basic health care tips for these women such as :
- Nutrition
- Maternal and child health care , including family planning
- Adequate safe water and basic sanitation.
- Immunization against major infectious diseases.
- Appropriate treatment of common diseases and injuries
- Computer class
We have 10 students whom we can train them to earn their livelihood. There are 5 juang boys and 5 kui boys at present to learn. So to start this project we are in need of at least 5 number of computers.
Budget for computer project
1. | Computer costs | Rs. 16000.00x 5 number = Rs. 80000.00 |
2. | 5 tables costs | Rs. 3000.00×5 numbers =Rs.15000.00 |
3. | 5 Chair costs | Rs. 1000.00×5 number = Rs. 5000.00 |
4. | Instructors Remunerationfee | Rs. 4000×3 months = Rs. 12000.00 |
5. | Food and Accommodation | Food Rs. 50x 10 students per day
Rs. 500×30 days = Rs. 15000.00 |
Total cost | = Rs. 127000.00 |
- Music class: 6 months to 1 year
For the tribal boys we would like to offer the musical training, so that it may help them to help their family financially. For this project we need of a few musical instruments to have in our music class. The followings are some basic instruments and their market price.
1. | One Dhalok costs | Rs. 4000.00 |
2. | One Guitar costs | Rs. 5000.00 |
3. | One Trango costs | Rs. 6000.00 |
4. | One Harmonium | Rs. 8000.00 |
5. | One Drums | Rs. 15000.00 |
6. | One Dubi&Tabala | Rs. 7000.00 |
7. | Instructors fee, monthly Rs. 5000 | Rs. 5000.00×12 months = Rs. 60000.00 |
Total cost | Rs. 105000.00 |
There are about 16 families in Kutuniya sahi ( Village) . But There is only one well for drinking sake. It is not sufficient for them during summer season. There is a hand pump but it is under repair and the concerned people do not mind it. So the result the villagers are not able to get safe drinking water.
These are a few pictures of huts where the Juang people live in. This is just for you to have a glance in it.